The "Be Mindful" Necklace (Moonstone)


The Be Mindful Necklace from FYB

The Be Mindful Necklace is designed to help you manifest and bring to fruition that which you most desire.  The properties of the Moonstone gem include self-discovery, emotional balance, the divine feminine and divine timing.

Choose an intention, something you wish to manifest in your life.

Hold the intention firmly in your mind as you (or someone else) ties the silk cord to the desired length.

Tie three strong knots and seal with a drop of Super Glue.

Throughout the day, touch your pendant and silently repeat your intention.

Wear your Be Mindful Necklace until it falls off, trusting that the amount of time it stays on is just the amount you need to bring your intention into reality!

* Available in pink, gray or white moonstone (please specify)

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